On this page you will find more information about the different roles you can apply for! Typically, we don’t have very strict requirements for experience, allowing room to learn and your creative freedom. However, the largest reason why applications don’t make it is either not including samples or them not fitting skills that can be applied in the project. Similarly, don’t feel afraid if they are not all perfected or finished if it helps to show off your creativity or process.

2D Art

A 2D artist is responsible for designing and creating vector or raster textures. Examples of this could be torso designs for characters, decals to be used on builds or concept art for new areas or characters.

There is a lot of freedom in turning concepts and ideas into final textures using your own preferred software. In-house tools are available to aid creation of characters to be able to quickly concept and iterate and view how a model will finally look in the game.

In your application, we like to see a portfolio or samples whether they are illustration, graphic design or creative concept design. We look at both quality of finished samples as well as creativity.

3D Design

The 3D Design department uses LEGO CAD tools such as LDD, Stud.io or Mecabricks to create builds to be used in the game. This ranges from small foliage to large buildings. You will work to create a build from a concept to a final model.

We like to see your MOCs, builds that are either digital or physical. We value creativity, strong colour and style decisions, as well as your build’s ability to create convincing and creative stories.

3D Modeling

3D Modelers work on optimising and creating models that are ready for in-game use. You work together with 3D designers to fit their builds to game usage. You will take the builds through our optimization pipeline, unwrap models, generate normal or occlusion maps, and lower the final model’s polycount. Next to this, you will as well create original models and parts.

We look for people with experience in surface modeling, with a preference for Blender. In your samples, we like to see wireframe models and produced maps or supplied example models with clean topology.


Animators bring characters and buildings to life by creating animations that are characteristic and utilising the inherent limitations of LEGO Minifigures without bending or deforming parts. You will use our Blender rig to create animations based on prompts and references. Experience with rigging is nice, but not at all required.

In your application we would like to see samples that show good usage of movement, expression, artistic and technical skill. Despite this mainly being a 3D animation position, samples of 2D animation are welcome as well.

Game Design

Game Designers create, plan and prototype parts of the game. You create game mechanics, design our open world playground to form a coherent and fun game. You work together with a lot of different departments, communicate and validate your ideas by creating mock-ups, prototypes or moodboards.

Experience with Unity is a plus, but not required.

In your application it’s good to show examples of games you designed, regardless of if they are prototypes, game jams or launched products. Any sketches, diagrams or moodboards that show off your design process are very welcome as well.


Musicians work on creating the soundtrack for the game. You will produce original tracks that fit the mood and style of the game. You will work together with other composers and instrumentalists to create tracks together as well as produce your own tracks from scratch.

Typically we don’t directly create from any single reference track, but have prompts available in specific genres with reference playlists. You will have a large amount of creative freedom to create tracks, and applications are not locked to any genre.

We like to see samples of your work and will listen for your instrumentation choices, quality of mixing, mastering and composition.


The programming department is focused on creating systems and logic to control the flow of the game. You will work in Unity (C#) from briefs to create specific systems, document your work to be able to be used by other programmers or designers, and implement it in the game.

In your application we like to see sample code or repositories that show your quality, readability and level of your code. Some experience in C# is required, skills in Unity are not specifically but great to have – demonstrating understanding of the logic used in game programming is more important.

Sound Design

Sound designers create and design sound effects to be used in the game. They create high-quality audio segments, understand and design specifically how it will be played in-game.

Knowledge on implementation in FMOD is a plus, but not required.

In your application, we want to hear sounds you designed, recorded and applied to games or videos. We will listen for quality as well as creativity and skill in designing these sounds.

Technical Art

The technical art department is focused on creating visual art and rendering solutions. You will create things such as shaders and particle effects using Unity / URP.

In your applications we like to see samples of technical art you created, in Unity or different software. We like to see the output but also parts of the creation process such as shader graphs or shader code snippets.

Voice Acting

We are currently open to receive voice acting applications, but are not actively casting for roles. We keep an internal database from which you will be contacted if we find a fitting role. In your demos, we would like to hear both your preferred kind of voicing as well as your range.


The writing department designs narratives, writes dialogue, themes, plots, character arcs and how all of these interact with the gameplay and world. You have an affinity with creating stories and worlds and can create convincing and intriguing characters and stories and think about how to let them shine in the context of the game.

You work together with different departments such as game design and artists to create a coherent vision and narrative elements that can realistically be included in the game.


The roles stated above are not inclusive, and at times combinations of different more specific roles and we will work to your strengths and wants to give you a fitting role. Regardless, there are a couple of roles we are welcoming but were not mentioned in the above. Under here are a couple more roles we are looking for – if you have a different skillset you feel is applicable you are always free to apply!

Production Management

You organise and ease production processes, create action plans, resolve conflicts and analyse used workflows. You are good at communicating and organising and like working with people.

UI/UX Design

A user experience designer thinks about the user experience of the game, making it nice and easy to use by effectively explaining game systems, having a clear navigational and informational flow. UI design looks at the interfaces players look at, communicate information and fit the visual and narrative experience of the game.


Quality assurance finds bugs, glitches and looks at the game experience. They document, reproduce, assess and communicate these to other departments. We are open for applications on this, but are not yet at a stage where we are close enough to ship for intensive QA. Regardless, do feel free to apply for future closed or open test programs.