
Hello there ! My name is Deadnoise, but you can call me Deadnoise.

I’m a freelance graphic designer from France, I play video games, I like cats, and i’m a sucker for small details.

Ever since ive learned how to turn on a computer i was drawn to the world of video games where i discovered lego island. After that, i started exploring the many lego games at the time (Lego racers, Rock Raiders, Alpha Team and Lego island 2). This was the main reason why i started playing with real lego bricks, so yeah. LEGO was a big part of my childhood.

After finishing college, I’ve started professional studies in order to become a game developer, first at a high school in the city, learning graphical communication to give me access to a private school teaching all i needed to know about making games (3D programings, Texturings, Team exercises…). However the dream turned into a nightmare when i realized i may not be fit to be a game dev. I was struggling during the second year, the main problem was the 3D software that i just couldn’t wrap my head around, and self-doubting myself to an unhealthy degree.

The teachers, Administration staff and my parents were really worried about my future, so they made the tough call to move me to a different field of study that involve graphical design, something that i was familiar with since high school. And i fitted much better and passed my finals with flying colors.

And here i am now, the leader of the 2D art department. This project helped me open up my eyes about game making. Where i failed as a solo developer, i succeeded when i was part of a team. And i can’t thank them enough.

And thank you too if you’ve been following us thus far.