
LEGO Island’s music was really good. Unfortunately, the quality of the tracks that were used in-game were not so much.

Since the master tapes were lost in a house boat accident, it was believed that the in-game versions were the only ones we were going to hear.

But, thanks to Lorin Nelson, the composer of a lot of LEGO Island’s music, an archive of cassette tapes has been found including a lot of the game’s music in far better quality than before.

We’re planning on fixing up these tracks and hoping to release a fixed-up version of the original OST in better quality than ever. An extra refined version of Brick by Brick is included as a preview.


For now, Lorin has given permission to share some of the tracks! They’re downloadable individually below in .WAV and a collection is also available.


Here’s a preview of a high quality restored version of Brick by Brick:

Also, if you’re looking for corrected lyrics for Brick by Brick: with help of the original artists we got them here!


[Updated: 5-february-2019] (416 MB .zip)

  • Baroque in Brick

    By Lorin Nelson / Lorin Swelk Orchestra

  • Brick by Brick

    By Henry & Kathleen Salvia

  • Brick by Brick (Restored 08/19)

    This is a cleaned-up version of Brick by Brick.

  • Blakeman Collection

    These are 7 tracks by Michael Blakeman. They are from a different source than the cassette tapes.

    This .zip file includes:

    -Blakeman Unused 1

    -Blakeman Unused 2

    -Blakeman Unused 3

    -Happy Roaming (aka. Central Roads / Bank song)

    -Helicopter Chase (aka. Act 3 / Helicopter music)

    -Information Center

    -Observation Deck (aka. Info center top)

  • The Brickster

    By Decal

  • Brief Brickster Theme

  • Cave Theme

  • Chase Theme

  • Chasing the Brickster

    By Peter Dunne

  • Desert Oasis

    Unused. By Lorin Nelson / Lorin Swelk Orchestra

  • Desert Theme-01


  • Desert Theme-02


  • Desert-Background


  • Dune-Buggy Build

    By the Flying Salvias. Short snippet based on Brick by Brick when building the dune buggy at the garage. (MP3)

  • Residential Theme

    aka. Fanfare Theme, Residential Song.

  • Happy Roaming

    By Michael Blakeman. Also known as Central Roads / Bank song.

  • Happy Roaming (Restored 11/19)

    Restored version of Happy Roaming.

  • In The Box Polka

    By Polkacide

    Full version of track used on the good ending. (Also known as Brick Barrel Polka/Baja on the Bayouu)

  • Information Center

    By Michael Blakeman

  • Interlude


  • Jail Theme

  • LEGO Island Theme 01

  • Legomania

  • Legomania (Suite version)

    Not included in collection. (51 minutes /  520 MB)

  • Mama Papa Brickolini

    By Monica Pasqual

  • Manta Ray

    By the Torpedoes

  • The Torpedoes Collection

    These are original versions of the tracks by the Torpedoes. They are not from the cassette but are of higher quality.

    This .zip file includes:


    -Manta Ray


  • Park Theme

  • Police Station

    By Dave Barrows

  • Radical to the Max! (Pepper Theme)

    By the Flying Salvias. Unused, exact planned usage is unknown as of now. (MP3)

  • The Race

    By Pete Dunne

  • Think I'm Gonna Build me a Bridge

    By Annie Wallis

  • Unused Theme-01

  • Unused Theme-02

  • Unused Theme-03

  • Unused-Game-Show-Theme

  • Unused-Main-Theme-Slow-Loop

  • Unused-Park-Theme-Bed

More information:

Some tracks are known under multiple names. This is due to the fact that a lot of tracks had a different name in the game file than the credits. In some cases (eg. Happy Roaming) these tracks have been dubbed by fans and taken over by subsequent uploads. A few of these have also been kept here for being better known than the more generic official names.

Tracks without explicit artist attribution are made by Lorin Nelson.



  • Added two tracks by the Flying Salvias: Dune-Buggy Build & Radical to the Max! (Pepper Theme)


  • Added Michael Blakeman Collection.


  • Added restored version of Happy Roaming.


  • Added new restored version of Brick by Brick. More will come in the future!


  • Added 8 unused tracks by Lorin Nelson:
  • Desert Oasis
  • Desert Theme-01
  • Desert Theme-02
  • Desert-Background
  • Interlude
  • Unused-Game-Show-Theme
  • Unused-Main-Theme-Slow-Loop
  • Unused-Park-Theme-Bed


  • Updated collection with 8 new tracks + Manta Ray
  • Added The Brickster by Decal
  • Added Chasing the Brickster by Peter Dunne
  • Added Happy Roaming by Michael Blakeman
  • Added In The Box Polka (Good Ending) by Polkacide
  • Added Information Center by Michael Blakeman
  • Added Mama Papa Brickolini by Monica Pasqual
  • Added the Race by Peter Dunne
  • Added Think I’m Gonna Build me a Bridge by Annie Wallis



  • Added Manta Ray
  • Added Torpedoes Collection



  • Added Police Station
  • Added LEGOMania (Suite version)



  • Initial version